The idea of water standing anywhere outside the designated areas of sinks, showers, tubs and toilets is enough to make any homeowner anxious. As innocuous as water may seem, it can cause serious damage to the walls, floors, furnishings and belongings if left standing. With this kind of scenario, it’s no wonder homeowners hold their breath when a long stretch of rainy days hits the metro. Luckily our Sump Pump the Jams special is here to save the day!
Running Downhill
The power of gravity pulls water downhill to the lowest level. Outside, this could mean flowing water running through a storm drain or through the downspout of the gutter on a roofline. Inside, water also looks for the lowest level, which in many cases is the basement. The installation of a sump pump in the basement helps send water away from a home and can improve dampness when a water table sits above the foundation of a home. Dampness also has the potential to trigger rust, rot, mold and unhealthy indoor air in a home. In short, a sump pump is great insurance, stopping potential problems before they start.
Home’s Defense against Basement Floods
A flood in the lower level of your home is not only problematic to the furniture and articles stored in the basement; it’s also detrimental to the foundation of your home. The installation of a sump pump is a simple way to safeguard your investments and add a measure of assurance when the rain starts to fall. Relying on the same principle of gravity, water flows to the pump pit below the surface of the basement. When the water collected in the pit reaches a certain level, an automated floatation device signals the sump pump to remove water out from the area.
Importance of Regular Testing and Maintenance
In order to ensure your sump pump is ready to kick into action when the rain starts, testing is critical. This can be particularly important before a forecast of heavy rain or precipitation over an extended timeframe. Testing is as simple as pouring water from a bucket into the sump pump basin until it triggers. Typically, this is a fast process and only requires a couple gallons of water. Once the pump triggers, it will remove water from the basin and shut off. If there’s any delay in the process, it’s a good time to call the plumbing specialists from Morgan Miller Plumbing for sump pump repairs.
Power in Numbers
One working sump pump is great. Two working sump pumps are even better. This is particularly true in the case of heavy rains that fall in a short amount of time. If a pump becomes overwhelmed with the amount of water, the second pump can help remove the water. A back-up battery system can also supply an additional level of protection by keeping the pump working in the case of a power outage during a storm.
Finding the Sump Pump that’s Right for You
Let the plumbing experts at Morgan Miller Plumbing determine your home’s specific sump pump needs, from grinder or ejector pumps to submersible and pedestal pumps, we’ve got you covered.